Damn! girl! get that shit under control!

This is a blog about my twice daily trip to and from work onboard Seattle Metro bus 358, the 358 is known as north Seattle's most nefarious bus run. When the coach leaves I will be blogging as fast as my thumbs can type... so hop onboard and enjoy a run. your comments and bus experiences will be appreciated and responded to.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10/5/10 AM Report, Bus 358

With decreasing morning average morning temperatures, the most illustrious of the street transients are preparing to move back aboard the bus, this stinky bum is the type that uses the back of the coach as his or hers bedroom, living room and kitchen. An indicator that one of these wreaking of cat-urine transients is living on your bus is the large backpack and cluster of mutiples plastic bags in plastic bags being used as a pillow. The odor alone will wave most commuters off from sitting anywhere near the squatter in question, but if forced to ride in the general vicinity of the moaning bastard.. drop some canadian change as you leave the bus, thus giving the stinkness a hint to get the fuck out of America.