Damn! girl! get that shit under control!

This is a blog about my twice daily trip to and from work onboard Seattle Metro bus 358, the 358 is known as north Seattle's most nefarious bus run. When the coach leaves I will be blogging as fast as my thumbs can type... so hop onboard and enjoy a run. your comments and bus experiences will be appreciated and responded to.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday Happy Hour

I elected to hunker down and bunker down at Mike's Chili instead of braving the projected dismal commute, why ride with the bain of humanity on a perfectly good Friday night that's being anchored with a rainbow and a 5:05 first pitch with the M's currently pounding the rangers 10-0.... A check in on snowsuit Steve is planned for the drive home, as I want to confirm if he is on jury duty or not next week. Will be charging the cams n mics tonight, as wouldn't want a hardware malfunction during 'THE BUM SUMMIT' tomorrow, as I have been elected to be an envoy to the working citizen, as a representative for 'the league of bums', this official bumnation position is to be ratified tomorrow at the summit. So, its tough duty, riding the bus every day, maybe I can make a differance for the average bum, and let em get pitched some extra coin...

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