Damn! girl! get that shit under control!

This is a blog about my twice daily trip to and from work onboard Seattle Metro bus 358, the 358 is known as north Seattle's most nefarious bus run. When the coach leaves I will be blogging as fast as my thumbs can type... so hop onboard and enjoy a run. your comments and bus experiences will be appreciated and responded to.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

waiting for 1st bus and.....

And the punk thrasher all chained and patched up dude just dumpster dived, he grabbed a ice cream sand wich wrapper n pick the last bits n ate them, and he's circling me like he's gonna go for the last sip of my drink when I dump it in.... just set the can in nice n easy and its sticking out the top, he's lookin... circling... bus is almost here, I just know he's goin for it as I get on, stanbye please........ bus is pulling in, and...... no! The boy does have an ounce of shame left, sorry readers, he didn't do it. Well everyone seems in high spirits on this bus after getting paid by me and you today, but........ the 358 is just a few moments away.......

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