Damn! girl! get that shit under control!

This is a blog about my twice daily trip to and from work onboard Seattle Metro bus 358, the 358 is known as north Seattle's most nefarious bus run. When the coach leaves I will be blogging as fast as my thumbs can type... so hop onboard and enjoy a run. your comments and bus experiences will be appreciated and responded to.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Evening Commute Outlook

With the Mercury Seering into the mid 90's once again, all coaches can be expected to be preheated to 125 before boarding. Ride today at your own risk, for your commute can be expected to feel like a ride in a George Foreman Grill, and the smell will be somewhat like the aroma of rotten roastinhg hog entrails. Just pray the overly obese K-Mart shoppers have taken the day off. As for me... I'm turning every stop along my way into a bar, so I have a brief respite from the horror...

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