Damn! girl! get that shit under control!

This is a blog about my twice daily trip to and from work onboard Seattle Metro bus 358, the 358 is known as north Seattle's most nefarious bus run. When the coach leaves I will be blogging as fast as my thumbs can type... so hop onboard and enjoy a run. your comments and bus experiences will be appreciated and responded to.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bus no.17 report and update...

And as we passed SPU we have picked up a hundred students all decked out in "hope for change" gear and picket signs with pictures of the devil on them, what is up with this? I'm just hoping one of these youths pops off at me, I will politely ask for a thankyou and politely point out that I shoulder the burden of guaranteeing their safe and secure indoctrination at a higher learning institution! And were in the south lake union district where a new NHL/NBA arena should be under construction, but NO.... No taxes for that, but taxes for funding the destitution of America...

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